Attendance Assembly

On 8th January 2025, we held a special Attendance Assembly to celebrate and recognise pupils who have achieved an impressive milestone: 100% attendance since the start of the academic year. A total of 90 certificates were awarded during the assembly: 29 to pupils in EYFS and Key Stage 1, and 61 to pupils in Key Stage 2. Attendance is not only about being present in school but also plays a crucial role in academic success. Studies consistently show a strong correlation between regular attendance and higher academic achievement. By attending school every day, pupils gain continuous access to lessons, build on their knowledge and skills, and fully participate in the school community. We are incredibly proud of all our pupils who have demonstrated such dedication and commitment. Their consistent effort sets a shining example for others and reinforces the importance of reliability and perseverance. Congratulations to all awardees, and thank you to parents, guardians and carers for supporting excellent attendance! Let’s continue working together to ensure every pupil has the opportunity to thrive through regular attendance.